Financial Due Diligence

WAYFINDERS Consulting Is the Answer to Your Managerial Muddles

At WAYFINDERS Consulting, our financial due diligence services are designed to provide comprehensive support across a wide range of industries. Our extensive experience includes in-depth analysis for transactions in real estate, asset management, financial services and more, ensuring a tailored approach for each client.

Our approach is meticulously data driven. We conduct thorough examinations of financial statements, cash flow models, and revenue projections, understanding the nuances of each business with a focus on uncovering potential financial risks and opportunities. This detailed examination aids in strategic risk assessment, particularly for mergers and acquisitions, where understanding the sustainability of revenues and reliability of financial projections is crucial.

Our client-centric approach ensures each due diligence project is uniquely catered to the specific requirements of our clients, irrespective of the scale of the transaction. Beyond identifying risks, we offer actionable insights and recommendations. These may include strategies for value maximization, cost-saving opportunities, and recommendations for efficient financial management in new and current operations.

In addition to due diligence, we offer a range of services including tax advisory, financial planning, restructuring, and post-acquisition integration support. We pride ourselves on delivering cost-effective, high-quality financial due diligence services with a commitment to excellence and attention to detail.


In the current business environment, financial reporting and IT environments are becoming increasingly complicated with greater reliance being placed on the information generated by these systems and processes.

Therefore it is imperative that these systems and processes are properly designed, implemented and reviewed to ensure that the organization is not exposed to undue risk, as well as being efficient and not unnecessarily creating an administrative burden.

At WAYFINDERS Consulting we understand the importance of the processes and systems environment and can guide businesses from the initial design to implementation and testing. We can assist with a small distinct element of the process/system or assist in a complete process/system set up or overhaul.

Case Study:

A central London based business dealing with online jewelry sales required assistance with setting up a new financial recording system. WAYFINDERS Consulting advised on the set up and trained staff on using the system as well as providing ongoing support.


In the current climate businesses are struggling to obtain finance. Therefore knowing how to present your business in the best possible light is even more crucial.

At WAYFINDERS Consulting we work with lending institutions and understand their requirements so can guide our clients in the right direction to enhance their chances of obtaining bank funding.

Case Study:

An established wholesale fish business wanted to purchase a warehouse in order to expand its business and needed capital to make this happen. We assisted in the preparation of a pack for the bank which resulted in the business obtaining the finance at very favorable rates.


It is essential for businesses of all sizes to have a realistic business plan WAYFINDERS Consulting can assist clients in developing a business plan comprising a market analysis and a financial model for up to 5 years, giving the business owners a clear idea of what to expect.

Case study 1:

We worked with a Dubai based security sector business to develop a 3 year business plan which gave senior management clear focus and helped identify the critical success factors and areas of the business which were underperforming.

We assisted with implementing improvements in underperforming areas including credit control.

Case study 2:

WAYFINDERS Consulting was appointed to assist a London/Essex based Indian restaurant group to develop a business plan for a new site which was used to approach banks. We carried out a market analysis as well as preparing three years of projections.

Case study 3:

WAYFINDERS Consulting were appointed by an international branded pizza chain to assist with the acquisition of a number of new sites. We analyzed the business and provided projections for the next 3 years showing how the business would perform under the new management. This was then provided to the clients’ bankers.


Tax investigations by HMRC are usually the result of an error on a tax return or inconsistencies in information provided to HMRC, as well as random selection. They may also be the result of a tip off, although HMRC will never disclose the reason for the investigation.

At WAYFINDERS Consulting we understand the pressure a tax investigation puts on people and businesses. Often we are approached by people under investigation who do not understand the tax regime properly which has led to under declaration of taxes.

Tax payers often find it difficult to focus on their business during an investigation therefore we set ourselves deadlines to try and reach a settlement with HMRC. We have a specialist team who deal with tax investigations and we find that the best result is achieved by responding in a timely fashion to HMRC queries, and by providing well presented comprehensive explanations and information in an easy to interpret format.

Also at times the clients do not have some of the information that HMRC request, in this case we think of alternative ways of obtaining evidence to satisfy HMRC. We keep an open line of communication with HMRC and often speak on the phone or attend meetings to clarify issues which through written correspondence may take much longer.

If there has been under declaration of taxes then we work quickly with the client to establish the amount of tax due and advice them to make a full disclosure, so that HMRC penalties can be minimised and possible criminal prosecution maybe avoided. For our existing clients we offer a fee protection scheme so that in the event that they are investigated they do not have to pay for the professional cost, which can expensive.

Case Study:

We were approached by an individual who had carried out a significant number of property transactions over a number of years and grew rapidly during the property boom. The client did not have any previous business experience and given the rapid growth he focused all his energy on running the business.

This led to tax compliance requirements not being fulfilled and an investigation by HMRC. Before the client approached us, the investigation had been ongoing for over 2 years with no end in sight.

We took over the investigation and worked quickly with the client to answer HMRC queries leading to a contract settlement in under 3 months.


Making a will guarantees that your estate will be handled per your preferences after you pass away. A will can also be a certainty that your loved ones and their future lives are secure in a tax-efficient manner with careful planning.

You can specify what should happen to your assets—your money, property, investments, and possessions—and your young children after you die by creating a will, which is a legal document. Making a will enables you to preserve your loved ones’ finances when you pass away and outlines your preferences.

Suppose you reside in England or Wales and pass away without drafting a valid will. In that case, your estate will be distributed according to government policy. The Crown will inherit everything you own if you have no relatives. If you have minor children, other people may decide who will be responsible for their care, finances, schooling, and living circumstances. Instead, you can lay out your wishes for the people you care about and your property in a will.

Our chartered accountants can assist you in drafting a will to

● Ensure that the recipients of your donations receive them.

● Reduce inheritance taxes.

● Designate dependable individuals as executors to manage your affairs after your death.

● Designate legal guardians for any minor children.

● Consider how your life has changed due to your marriage, divorce, or the birth of your children or grandchildren.

● Make sure the appropriate persons receive any gifts of personal stuff.

● Create trusts and donate to charities.

With high net-worth clients that own a variety of complicated assets, our multidisciplinary team has particular expertise. We frequently represent people with non-UK addresses in matters involving real estate in the UK.

Writing a will involves arranging for inheritance taxes. Opportunities to legally save tax while alive and when you pass away are often overlooked. Although every person’s circumstances are unique, a few factors to keep in mind when drafting a will include:

● When the mortgage and other debts are subtracted from the value of your estate, inheritance tax (IHT) is typically levied on anything that exceeds the £325,000 level (£650,000 for married couples and civil partners).

● Suppose you own a property and leave some of your assets to family members such as children and grandchildren. In that case, a new IHT allowance of £125,000 may be applicable.

● If you and your spouse jointly own a home, the type of tenancy you have will determine whether or not they can stay there after your passing.

● Whom do you want to receive your estate?

● Whom would you prefer to appoint as your estate’s executors?

We Can Help

We at WAYFINDERS Consulting offer will writing services that are affordable for anyone. Our costs are reflective of the fact that for many people, a straightforward will suffices. Others find that receiving tailored tax advice gives them peace of mind that whatever choices they make will improve the portion of their estate that goes to their beneficiaries and reduce the amount that must be paid to HMRC. Don’t hesitate to call our chartered accountants today to learn more about our will writing and tax planning services.


Tax planning services like inheritance tax planning are not just about leaving money to your loved ones once you pass away; it’s also about living comfortably today. This is why getting a head start on planning is crucial. Working with our chartered accountants can help you determine how much money you’ll need, advise you on how best to transfer assets, and collaborate with you to manage or minimize an inheritance tax burden.

On estates valued more than £325,000 at the time of death, inheritance tax (IHT) is due at a rate of 40%. It may be 20% less and become due upon specific lifetime donations of assets. Nevertheless, planning options are available, such as giving assets to family and friends, making charitable contributions, or using a Family Trust that can reduce the tax owed on your inheritance. The most crucial aspect of this planning is that it is personalized for you and aids in carrying out your final desires for your estate.

Although making explicit gifts can be the simplest method to plan for IHT, you might not want to do this. This is frequently when trusts or family investment companies can be considered part of a long-term strategy to include your family and friends in your wealth without entirely giving it up during your lifetime.

In general, it’s never too early to start planning for IHT. Most people frequently think about tax planning when creating their first will or revising an existing one because the two activities go hand in hand. One benefit of starting early preparation is that once a gift is made, the “7-year clock” begins to run. If you have made an outright gift, the value of your gift completely exits your estate if you live for seven years.

Some of the inheritance tax planning services available to you include:

● Using cash flow modeling, you may make a reliable estimate of your future income and expenses to ensure that you don’t spend or donate more than you can afford.

● Utilizing all of your tax-saving opportunities, such as the gifts that are no longer considered part of your estate for IHT purposes, even if you pass away within seven years of making them, to the fullest extent possible.

● To reduce the IHT burden on your inheritance, we will work with you to determine what extra income and assets you can afford to give up.

● Investments from specialists can help you manage your IHT liability while providing growth potential to improve your legacy. Your wealth planner will collaborate closely with your investment manager to rebuild your portfolio if you currently invest through our investment management service.

We Can Help

Your committed wealth planner will take the time to understand your objectives and plans for your heirs because they may impact the inheritance tax due on your estate. They will then devise an innovative plan to assist you in achieving your goals, seeking to preserve your way of life and lawfully handle the IHT owed on your estate. They will also provide you with important advice on the best order to complete tasks to avoid jeopardizing your IHT position or hurting other aspects of your wealth planning.

Contact WAYFINDERS Consulting today to speak with our knowledgeable chartered accountants, who can thoroughly discuss our tax planning services and how they can help you with your inheritance tax planning needs.


Your future can be built on a foundation of freedom, security, legacy, and financial planning. You need a team that can be trusted with your goals and who also understands them for this reason. We want to help you reach a place where you can enjoy life, content knowing you have a structured, tax-efficient plan in place, whether you are just beginning your financial journey, wanting to consider investing for your future or planning your coming retirement.

Our chartered accountants work independently and are not affiliated with any financial services, products, or even those we offer. This implies that your Wealth Planner can provide you with objective, thorough financial guidance regardless of your life stage through a clear, transparent partnership.

Your financial needs and current circumstances, including any business interests, will be considered by your wealth planner. To preserve, increase, and pass on your wealth as tax-efficiently as possible, they will use their knowledge and experience to develop a wealth planning strategy for you. Your financial plan will be routinely reviewed by you and your committed financial planner, along with your savings and investments, to ensure everything contributes effectively to achieving your goals, both now and in the future.

Each of our services is customized to meet your immediate and long-term needs. Our experts can help you whether you need guidance on pension planning, managing your Lifetime Allowance risk, personal cash flow planning, inheritance tax preparation, or later-life planning.

Our financial planning offerings include the following:

● Retirement Advice: Be confident in your retirement, aware of your possibilities, and get the work done for you.

● Investment Guidance: Build a portfolio or upgrade an existing one according to investment advice. Our advisers can assist you by selecting assets to help you reach your goals.

● Inheritance Tax: Our experts’ familiarity with inheritance tax laws will enable you to leave as much money to your loved ones as possible.

● Long-term Care: We can assist you in making a plan for how you’ll pay for care, giving you peace of mind that you or your loved ones will receive the best care available.

● Consolidating Pensions and Investments: Get assistance when deciding when, if, and how to consolidate your investments into one location for your pension and investments. This decision is frequently difficult. Gain more self-assurance and a clearer understanding of your situation.

No matter how complicated your finances or personal circumstances may be, we have the knowledge and industry-leading resources at our disposal to give you intelligent, futuristic guidance that is specifically catered to your needs. Before making any advice, our chartered accountants thoroughly consider your overall situation and plan. They will inquire about your situation and review your service selection to ensure that it is appropriate for your risk and goals.

Financial planning does not have a “one size fits all” answer; our service is tailored specifically to you. With regular support, you can require sporadic guidance on a subject like a retirement or a detailed financial plan. No matter what your financial planning needs are now or in the future, WAYFINDERS Consulting is ready to be your guide. You can speak with us on the phone or come to one of our nearby offices to work with us and get your finances where you want them.


While most salary incomes are taxed through the PAYE system, all incomes that are not taxed at source should be stated in Self-Assessment reports. The minimum amount of untaxed annual income required for self-assessment filing is £1,000.

Before beginning any self-employment activity, you must acquire a Unique Tax Reference Number (UTR). We can assist you in applying for a UTR. We also ensure that you receive tax return guidance in the UK that will enable you to complete returns accurately and on time. We can assist you in understanding your specific personal income tax status, including which incomes are subject to taxation and which expenses can be written off against taxable income.

At WAYFINDERS Consulting, we take care of all of your annual return papers when you use our self-assessment tax return service. Our chartered accountants ensure there are no costly errors, missed opportunities, or incorrect calculations, so you won’t have to worry about deadlines. Reach out to one of our experienced tax assessment team members today to learn how we can help you with your self-assessment filing needs.

Who Needs a Self-Assessment?

It’s a prevalent misconception that only self-employed people in the UK need tax return services. Anyone who meets the following requirements must complete a self-assessment form with HMRC:

  • You receive pay via PAYE, and your work-related expenses total more than £2500.
  • You earn money through rentals as a landlord.
  • You have a salary of above £10,000.
  • Director of the company, you are.
  • You receive child assistance and make more than £50,000 annually.
  • You earn more than £10,000 each year through investments.

Capital Gains

The gain or profit from selling or giving away something you previously held, such as investment property, a portfolio of shares, a second house, or a stake in a firm, is subject to capital gains tax. We can assist with the tax-free allowance, extra reliefs that could lower a capital gains tax liability, and other related matters. From 6 April 2020, anyone who resides in the UK and sells residential property in the country must file a capital gains tax on UK property return and pay any taxes payable within 30 days of the sale’s completion.

Foreign Income

We can help you manage complicated double taxation arrangements if you have assets or income in multiple countries to ensure you pay the least amount of taxes overall. The total amount of money earned overseas is not subject to tax in the US. The foreign-earned income exclusion can only be used by those who meet the requirements for foreign residency or physical presence, have a tax residence in a foreign country, and have foreign income.

Late Return Penalties

Anyone can incur a penalty for filing a Self Assessment tax return after the deadline. The best course of action is to file your self-assessment tax return as soon as possible and, if you can, challenge any late fees. In many situations, HMRC can waive late filing fines if you provide a valid reason. WAYFINDERS Consulting chartered accountants can assist you in cancelling any unnecessary tax returns and in appealing any late fees. Contact WAYFINDERS Consulting today to speak with our knowledgeable chartered accountants. We can thoroughly discuss self-assessment filing services and how we can help you today.