Many companies usually face considerable challenges when they must fulfill administrative duties. This becomes even more noticeable when the company is large, as there are more departments, more personnel, and even minor aspects such as compliance start to weigh more.

It is a usual happening that companies begin their downfall when they become unable to surpass these common setbacks. At WAYFINDERS Consulting, we provide your company with company secretarial services that help you avoid these crashes.

What Are Company Secretarial Services?

You may be predisposed to assume that company secretarial services are the typical functions taken on by secretaries on any normal working day. This premise is erroneous, as this type of service consists of administrative-function-oriented assistance concordant with high levels of corporate governance, follows legislation-related compliance regarding businesses and industries, and guarantees effective administration policies.

This is an essential feat for all businesses, as many companies must adhere to diverse company standards, like, for example, UK’s Companies Act of 2006. This act calls for specific maintenance of certain records, such as those belonging to meeting holdings, interactions with any stakeholders and shareholders, activities involving government authorities, and conduct of board members, just to name a few.

Why Are Company Secretarial Services So Important?

Company secretarial services are crucial to any company that strongly desires to comply with all present-day regulations and to establish direct, solid relationships with shareholders and stakeholders. They lead most of the administrative tasks you can find in any company. However, the company secretarial’s main areas of focus are the following:

  • Ensuring correct paperwork supply
  • Consistency of proper conduct and legislation compliance concerning your company’s activity
  • Correspondence with shareholders and other similar parties

For instance, company secretarial is the segment of the company that is in charge of providing all of the necessary paperwork to all of the board members before any relevant meeting between all involved parties. At WAYFINDERS Consulting, we take care of this so that you do not have to.

Also, when your company is not legally compliant, secretaries are the ones to bring order. At WAYFINDERS Consulting, we carefully inspect all of your documentation so that your company is aligned with the requirements present in today’s active companies acts.

If any inspections are coming your company’s way, our crew of secretaries prepares accounts and reports that will transform inspections into concerns that belong to the past.

We also acknowledge how pesky setting up meetings with shareholders can be. With us, all you have to care about is showing up. The time and date, communication with shareholders, and preparation and paperwork are inclusive company secretarial services we diligently provide.

Advantages of Company Secretarial Services

  • Effective duty and responsibility management in timely ways
  • Years of expertise are put to work in your favour
  • You save up on training costs
  • You reduce risks

Why Hire Us?

We are a company with years worth of experience in company secretarial services. Our vast portfolio of satisfied clients is a testament to the quality of the work we bestow. Also, when you hire WAYFINDERS Consulting, you automatically acquire these services:

  • Annual Confirmation Statement filings at Companies House
  • Accounting referential dates
  • Restoration and dissolution
  • Registered office and service address
  • Diverse share actions, such as allotments, meetings and resolutions, and transfers
  • Company name changes
  • Directors’ meetings and resolutions
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